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Hybrid VET Teacher Competence Test

Dear VET Teacher/ Educator,

Welcome to the test version of the competency assessment tool for vocational and education training (VET) teachers conducting classes in a hybrid mode. Hybrid education environment means that some learners receive in-class, face-to-face instruction while others receive out-of-class, online instruction at the same time.

Our action is supported by the European Commission under the ERASMUS+ Programme. The project is led by the Polish Foundation of the Opportunities Industrialization Center „OIC Poland” (the project coordinator) in partnership with: İnstituto Politécnico de Santarém (Portugal), PROGRESS Kalińska, Talik spółka jawna (Poland), G.G. Eurosuccess Consulting Limited (Cyprus), Antalya İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü (Turkey) and C.M. Skoulidi & Sia E.E. (Greece).

Your answers will allow us to develop the final version of the test for examining the competences of a VET teacher who conducts education in a hybrid form. We are asking for your help and honest answers to a number of questions. Based on the collective results of the survey among several hundreds of VET teachers/educators from various European countries, in just a few months, we will be able to offer a free diagnostic tool that will determine the level of competences crucial to conduct lessons in a hybrid form in vocational education.

Thank you for your help.

The estimated time to complete the test is 20 minutes.

hVET Project Team

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