Hybrid Teacher Competence Questionnaire (HTC)
Competence assessment tool for hybrid VET teacher
Dear VET Teacher,
Welcome to the website with a testing on the competences of a VET teacher, conducting education in a hybrid form. Hybrid education environment means that some learners receive in-class, face-to-face instruction while others receive out-of-class, online instruction at the same time.
By completing this questionnaire, you will have the opportunity to reflect on your competences relevant to conducting hybrid education in vocational education. After completing the test, you will also receive a free, detailed report describing the level of competences along with tips to support their further development. The condition for obtaining reliable results and reliable feedback is to provide honest answers.
Completing the test and receiving feedback is free of charge.
Please complete the entire test in one attempt. However, if you need to interrupt the test while completing it, please write down the unique code in the upper right corner. After entering it the next time you log in, you will be able to continue completing the test from the point where it was left off or display the feedback again.
hVET Project Team
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